New Karachi Hyderabad Motorway




Pakistan stands at a pivotal juncture in its economic and social development, recognizing the critical role of infrastructure in driving progress. A significant initiative is the construction of a motorway linking Karachi to Hyderabad, promising various economic and social benefits. Karachi, a major economic center with a population of 17.5 million and seaports, will see improved connectivity, trade, and reduced transportation costs. Hyderabad stands to gain from increased access to Karachi's markets, boosting investment and industrialization.

The motorway will enhance cultural exchange and social inclusion, reducing travel times and bridging urban-rural gaps. It will spur urbanization, creating new residential and commercial hubs that accommodate population growth in a planned and sustainable manner. Additionally, it will support disaster preparedness and promote economic growth, social integration, and regional connectivity for Pakistan's future prosperity.

General Overview

The new Karachi - Hyderabad Motorway has been planned as a 6-lane access-controlled green field project, originating from Karachi Northern Bypass (KNB) (M-10). The proposed alignment will primarily traverse through Sindh province and terminate at Jamshoro (near Hyderabad) on Indus Highway (N-55) / Hyderabad - Sukkur Motorway (M-6), spanning approximately 130 km.

Existing Karachi - Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) was converted from 4-Lane to 6-Lane in 2018 but lacks proper fencing and access control, failing to meet motorway standards. The new motorway (approx. 130 km) will provide a high-speed and safer alternate corridor, attracting port traffic and relieving traffic loads on the existing network. This motorway will contribute to the development of an environment where existing traffic and future traffic will be catered to adequately, thus contributing to the national economy.

Design Standards and Criteria for Highway and Structures

The motorway design adheres to specific standards and criteria:

  • Length: Approximately 130 km
  • Lanes: 6
  • Lane Width: 3.65 meters
  • Shoulder Width: Outer - 3 meters, Inner - 1 meter
  • Design Speed: 120 Kph
  • Terrain: Level Terrain & Rolling Terrain

Interchanges, Major Cities/Towns, and Bridges

The motorway will feature interchanges, major cities/towns, and bridges strategically placed along its route to facilitate smooth travel and connectivity between Karachi and Hyderabad.

Service Areas & Rest Areas

Service areas will be provided at every 50 km interval, while rest areas will be provided at every 25-30 km interval. These areas will include essential facilities such as filling stations, tire shops, workshops, toilets, parking areas, and more. The design of service areas and rest areas will follow innovative concepts acceptable to the employer.

Hydrology Study

Due consideration will be given to hydrological factors, with special studies conducted to address the challenges posed by seasonal nullahs and natural water courses along the motorway's alignment. Close coordination with the respective Irrigation Department will be ensured.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be conducted in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency guidelines to assess and mitigate any potential environmental impacts of the project.

For further inquiries, please contact the National Highway Authority at the provided address, phone number, or email.

This document encapsulates key information regarding the Karachi - Hyderabad Motorway project undertaken by the National Highway Authority, detailing its significance, design standards, infrastructure, and environmental considerations



NHA HQ, 28, Mauve Area, G-9/1, Islamabad

UAN: 111-000-642

